Software Verification

This project was done during my internship under Prof. Alexander J. Summers, University of British Columbia. This involved developing a plugin functionality to add Flow based proof techniques in the default VIPER compiler.

Languages : Scala, Java, VIPER

Domain : Software verification, Compilers, Formal language.

Deep Learning Visualization

This project is a part of my Bachelor Thesis. Here, I am working with Prof. Partha Pratim Chakrabarti, IIT Kharagpur to develop a visualization tool for analysis of deep neural networks, mainly focused on tackling Adversarial attacks.

Languages : Python, JavaScript

Frameworks : Pytorch, Tensorflow, Keras, Django, Bootstrap, jQuery, Tensorflow.js


Just A Rather Very Intelligent Chatbot.
This was my Software Engineering course project. AI-powered chatbot Android app to detect emotions of the user. This can be used for statistical analysis of prevailing emotions in a control group. The chatbot detects suicidal and depression tendencies and generates an SOS.

Languages : Java, Python

Frameworks/Tools : Pytorch, Socket Programming, Sklearn, MySQL

Traffic Sign Detection and Classification

This project is a part of my work under Autonomous Ground Vehicle research group, IIT Kharagpur supervised by Prof. Debashish Chakravarty. A two stage end-to-end pipeline for detection and classification. Runs at ~30 fps on Intel Xeon processor with object tracking enabled on Mahindra e20 electric car.

Languages : Python

Frameworks/Libraries : Pytorch, OpenCV

IGVC 2019

Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition.
This project is the hard-work of Team AGV at IGVC 2019 which managed to secure 2nd place in the AutoNav challenge. I worked with Perception team to design algorithms for lane/obstacle detection and way-point generation.

Languages : C++, Python

Frameworks/Libraries : ROS, OpenCV

Reliable communication protocol

This was my Computer Networks course project. Developed a loss-less communication potocol built on top of UDP. In a sense, it extends the UDP protocol and promises data reliability as opposed to UDP.

Languages : C

Frameworks/Libraries : Socket.h, signal.h

Snake Game

Self-driven project to practice web development skills. A snake game rendered in the browser with pause, immunity like features.

Languages : JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Frameworks : jQuery, Flask